10 Nutrition Tips for Pregnant Women

During your pregnancy, you’re eating for two. That means you need to eat more, and you need to eat better. As a result, your diet may need a little tweaking. Fortunately, eating healthy is easy. Here are some great tips for preparing healthy meals during pregnancy. Plan Ahead Let’s say you love going out to … Read more

Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars for Good

Acne is a very common, often frustrating condition that sometimes leads to scarring and dark spots. While acne scars won’t entirely go away on their own, there are number of ways you can lighten them or reduce their appearance. Most of these strategies take time to work, so if you’re looking for a quick fix, … Read more

At-Home Exercises to Strengthen and Tone Your Quads

Whether you’re new to exercise or you’re a professional athlete, your quads are an important muscle group to pay attention to. Everything from getting out of a chair to walking or running requires these muscles to work. Keeping your quads strong can help reduce stress on your knees and improve the stability of your kneecaps. … Read more

Strategies to Overcome Gym Anxiety

In a perfect world, the hardest part of going to the gym would be your workout. Not walking through the doors. However, if thoughts of navigating the equipment, being watched or judged, or even using the locker room provoke anxiety, you’re not alone. Gym anxiety, also called “gymtimidation,” is very common and can affect anyone. … Read more

What Causes Thinning Hair and how to Stop it

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), it’s common to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day. Any more than this could mean you’re shedding more than you should, which could contribute to overall thinning hair. Unlike widespread hair loss, thinning hair doesn’t necessarily cause baldness. It does, however, give the appearance of sparser … Read more

Home Remedies to Help get rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, also called striae, happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to growth or weight gain. They usually aren’t a sign that anything is wrong with your health. Anyone can get stretch marks, regardless of gender. However, women are more susceptible as pregnancy is probably the most common cause of stretch marks. Other … Read more

How Women Experience Heart Attacks Differently from Men

Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States, accounting for about 1 in 4 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Heart attacks occur when blood flow to the heart is reduced or obstructed because the arteries that supply blood to the heart … Read more

How Diabetes Affects Women

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar due to problems processing or producing insulin. Between 1971 and 2000, the death rate for men with diabetes fell, according to a study in Annals of Internal Medicine. This decrease reflects advances in diabetes treatment. But the study also indicates … Read more

Steps you can Take to Prevent Premature Skin Aging

As you age, it’s natural to experience thinner, drier skin and an increase in wrinkles. However, sometimes your environment and lifestyle choices can cause your skin to age prematurely. Although there is no way to prevent your skin from aging, it’s possible to prevent premature skin aging by following a few of these simple steps … Read more

Activities to Move More at Midlife

As you reach middle age, it is essential to stay active to prevent the acceleration of aging in your body. According to health and anti-aging expert, Mo Hagan, physical activity helps to maintain a healthy metabolism at the cellular level. It helps slow down the aging process and ward off diseases attached to obesity such … Read more

Study Finds That Women Have a Tougher Time Quitting Smoking Than Men

When it comes to smoking, women tend to puff less cigarettes than men but have more trouble quitting, French researchers report. The study included nearly 38,000 smokers (about 43% women) aged 18 and older in France who visited smoking cessation services between 2001 and 2018. On average, women smoked 23 cigarettes a day; men, 27. … Read more

Best Practices for Sunburn Relief

Woman applying sunscreen

Spending time outside is a great way to be physically active, reduce stress, and get vitamin D. However, even those who religiously slather on the SPF can get burned from time to time. Perhaps you missed a spot or ended up spending more time in the sun than you intended. Whatever the case may be, … Read more

Could It Be a Yeast Infection?

Distressed older woman

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva. Also called vaginal candidiasis, vaginal yeast infection affects up to 70% of women at some point in their lifetime. Over-the-counter medications can effectively treat most vaginal yeast infections. Symptoms Yeast infection symptoms can range … Read more

Top 5 Summer Health Concerns

Woman applying spray sunscreen

           Summertime is full of fantastic weather, fun outdoor activities, and easy-going vibes that reduce stress and make us feel better, but it also comes with additional health hazards you should avoid. Read on to find out what you can do to protect yourself while soaking up the summer season.

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How to Have a Heart-Healthy Diet

Assorted fruit in the shape of a heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. That’s why it’s vital to manage risk and take preventative measures to ensure your heart health now before the worse should happen. Fortunately, most cases of heart disease are due to lifestyle choices. That means managing this portion of your risk level is completely within your control. Changing your diet now will help control your weight, reduce your cholesterol, and lead a heart-healthy life. Check-in with your HealthLynked provider to cultivate a meal plan that’s right for you. In the meantime, here are the basics.

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Overlooked Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women

Stressed woman with hands pressed against temples

           Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States. Unfortunately, our knowledge of what to look for regarding heart attacks in women is dangerously uninformed for as large as the health concerns are. The cliché of a woman clutching her chest and doubling over in the movie is merely a Hollywood shorthand. The symptoms of heart attack differ between men and women. While women experience chest pains, they are far more likely to experience other symptoms not classically associated with heart attacks.

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Caring for Caregivers

Older woman hands rested on a wood cane

           Caring for someone who can’t care for themselves is a rewarding and worthwhile experience. After all, you’re literally facilitating the health and wellbeing of someone you love. But as a society, we underestimate the toll caregiving takes on the caregiver and lack sufficient resources to offer the estimated 40 million unpaid caregivers in America, 61% of whom are women, the support they need.

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What Can Meditation Do for You?

Woman sitting cross-legged meditating

Meditation is a time-honored, ancient practice. Historical records indicate meditation as a common practice in India as early as 1500 BCE, but most historians believe humans started far earlier, likely 3000 BCE. The only difference between now and then is that medical science can measure the effect meditation has on the body, hence the sudden rise in interest in the general population. Clinical trials involving meditation and mindfulness have exploded from only eleven in 2006 to 216 in 2015, with more coming every year. Still, we’ve only scratched the surface on how the benefits of meditation go. 

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Could You Have a Hormonal Imbalance?

Woman wearing glasses looking surprised

We need our hormones. Hormones are the body’s messengers, telling it how to regulate mood, energy, metabolism, sleep, reproduction, and everything else that our body needs to survive and function optimally. Hormonal shifts occur in everyone daily; when you eat, sleep, get stressed, or even laugh, our bodies adjust the hormones accordingly. For women, hormonal fluctuations occur regularly as part of their menstrual cycle, but this also leaves women open to more cases of hormonal imbalance.

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Do You Have IBS?

Woman in the bathroom looking at her phone

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive condition that affects more than 15% of the overall population in the United States. The problem is that it can be difficult to discern whether the symptoms you’re experiencing are signs of IBS or simple indigestion. Take a look at this collection of tell-tale symptoms. If you answer “yes” to any of these, it’s time to make an appointment with your HealthLynked provider. Try DocLynk, the new telemedicine service from HealthLynked, and the only platform that connects you to a doctor, your medical records, and an in-depth Review of Systems all in one visit. 

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3 Surprising Conditions More Common to Women

Confused young woman looking at her computer

For the most part, conditions that are harmful to women equally impact their male counterparts, exceptions being women-only ailments like cervical or ovarian cancers and Turner Syndrome. However, in recent years, clinicians have found over a dozen disorders and conditions that statistically affect women more severely and in greater numbers than men. Oohvie highlighted the top three you should keep in mind as you manage your healthcare goals.

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Oohvie’s Tips to Staying Healthy in College

Young woman in library

Many users in Oohvie’s community of women are college students like Sasha Pearson, Oohvie’s favorite cookie baker of Instagram. Like Sasha, they use Oohvie to track their menstrual cycle, ovulation, symptoms, and feelings, all automatically updated to their HealthLynked Patient Profile. Oohvie’s customizable reminders make the perfect tool for staying on top of self-care activities while juggling classes, exams, papers, and everything else college life brings with it. With that in mind, we’ve compiled these tips to staying healthy in college that you can use in conjunction with Oohvie. Try them yourself and see them in action by following Sasha on Instagram at @SweetArtBySasha.

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Oohvie’s How-To Age Gracefully

Woman tying her shoe

Time catches up with all of us. We will all get older, our bodies will weaken, and that’s just part of being human. But there are steps we can all take to mitigate the symptoms of aging, actions that are never too late to adopt, which can make a tangible difference in our quality of life and overall health as well get older. Here are Oohvie’s steps to aging well, feeling great, and leading a healthier lifestyle for many years to come.   

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How-To Build a Healthier Immune System

Woman eating a salad

Though vaccination rates continue to climb around the globe, it’s imperative to control what you can concerning your health to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Your immune system is critical in your body’s defense network which blocks attacks bacteria, viruses, fungi, or any potential element that could cause illness.

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