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Table of Contents

How-To Build a Healthier Immune System

Though vaccination rates continue to climb around the globe, it’s imperative to control what you can concerning your health to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Your immune system is critical in your body’s defense network which blocks attacks bacteria, viruses, fungi, or any potential element that could cause illness. Give your body the best chance at defending you with Oohvie’s immune-boosting tips. Feeling unwell? Be sure to log your symptoms to share with your HealthLynked provider.

Vitamins for Immune System Health

Vitamins are micronutrients, and your body needs them to work together to function at its best. But the truth is, 92% of Americans currently suffer from at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency. A healthy diet along with supplements of the below essential nutrients is paramount to bolstering the immune system.

  • Vitamin D—Vitamin D has been proven to lessen the severity of respiratory ailments in addition to ongoing research on its effects on COVID-19.
  • Vitamin C— We all know that vitamin C helps your immune system fight infection, but did you know that you have two immune systems? You’re born with an innate immune system that heals you from injury and natural pathogens, working simultaneously with your adaptive immune system that adjusts according to how you use your body and what you come into contact with. Vitamin C contributes to them both.
  • Vitamin A— Often called the “anti-inflammatory vitamin,” its job is to maintain the mucus and epithelial tissue strength all over the body, both of which are essential to protecting you from germs.
  • Vitamin E—In addition to protecting your eyesight, vitamin E helps the immune system protect cells from invading microbes.
  • Zinc—If you’re trying to stay away from red meats in your diet, a Zinc supplement may be in order. Zinc is functions as an antioxidant that assists the body in healing wounds and fights attacking viruses and bacteria.

Sleep Soundly, Be Healthier

When you sleep, your body goes through a dramatic and intense healing process repairing internal organs, relaxing heart rate, decreasing blood pressure, all while your immune system releases cytokines. Cytokines are proteins that promote sleep and attack infection. During your sleep process, cytokines rates naturally increase if a foreign element is registered, however, if your rest is disrupted or too short, then you’re missing out on a critical line of immune defense. Adults should get six to eight hours of sleep each night in a dark, noiseless room and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Lower Stress Levels to Fight Germs

Your immune system can’t fight outside attackers and you at the same time. When you’re stressed, your blood pressure and heart rate increase which puts strain on your immune system. You also produce more corticosteroid, the stress hormone which causes your immune system to produce fewer lymphocytes, one of the types of white blood cells that protect against infection. Do what you can to relax. Take a walk, exercise, pick up a new hobby. Just remember: when you’re happy, so is your immune system.

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