It’s happened to us all. You stare into the mirror in horror at a tiny stray hair sprouting from your nipple. A suspicious bump on the underside of your breast. Maybe one hangs differently than the other or is another size. Is there something wrong with you? The answer is no. These variances are normal for everyone and are usually nothing to be worried about, and certainty nothing to be embarrassed to bring up with your doctor. (They’ve heard it all, rest assured). If you still need a pep talk or a little reassurance before making an appointment through HealthLynked, read on for the top breast questions on the minds of Oohvie users.
Everything you Need to Know About Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign lasting the month of October that is intended to increase global awareness of breast cancer. Throughout the month, science forums, educational programs, and informational pamphlets and posters are used as means to disseminate information to the public. A number of special events are held as well, … Read more