Woman applying sunscreen

Best Practices for Sunburn Relief

Spending time outside is a great way to be physically active, reduce stress, and get vitamin D. However, even those who religiously slather on the SPF can get burned from time to time. Perhaps you missed a spot or ended up spending more time in the sun than you intended. Whatever the case may be, it happens, more than one in three U.S. adults get sunburned each year. Protecting yourself from UV rays is important year-round, not just during the summer. UV rays can reach you on cloudy and cool days, and they reflect off surfaces like water, cement, sand, and snow. There are no magical cures for sunburns, but there are several ways you can support your body’s natural healing process.

Dos to Care for a Sunburn

If you have a sunburn, there are some things you can do to relieve the pain and help heal your skin as quickly as possible. You can start by applying aloe vera, it contains several ingredients that reduces redness, pain and swelling caused by inflammation from sunburn. Aloe vera can also moisturize your skin and prevent peeling. Another recommendation is to take a cool bath to soothe your skin. Afterward, leave a little moisture on your skin when you dry off and then apply a moisturizer to trap in water. Using hydrocortisone creams can provide further relief by treating any swelling, irritation, and itchiness. Another tip that many forget about is to drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes to help rehydrate your skin. Then finally, stay out of the sun until your burn fully heals.

Sunburn Don’ts

Here are a few things you should avoid if you have a sunburn, doing any of these things can cause further damage to your skin and prolong the healing process. The first is to not pick at or pop any blisters you might get. Another don’t to keep in mind is to not peel your skin, let it peel naturally. The old skin provides a layer of protection as your new skin underneath matures. One last thing to note is to not ice a sunburn directly. Applying ice directly to the burn can increase damage, pain, and healing time.

As we all know, even the most conscious people get the occasional sunburn. They can be discomforting, wreak havoc on our skin and dehydrate us. However, if you are proactive and take the proper steps to soothe the burn, your skin will make a full recovery.

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