Oohvie Ovulation Calendar Puts You in Control of Your Pregnancy

Advanced Ovulation Calendar and Pregnancy Planning App.

Oohvie Ovulation Calendar
Puts You in Control of Your

Advanced Ovulation Calendar and Pregnancy Planning App.

Getting pregnant is much harder than you think. Nature’s fertility rate is only 20% per month for healthy women in their thirties, meaning every hundred women who are actively trying to get pregnant, eighty of them will have to try again. Infertility is not becoming pregnant after a year of frequent, unprotected intercourse (Mayo Clinic). All women experience diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) as they approach menopause, but some are affected earlier in life or may trigger DOR from ovarian surgeries, smoking, and aggressive medical treatments like radiation (CDC).
Use Oohvie to track any abnormalities in your cycle and share your data with your doctor in your HealthLynked account and take back control of your health.

Use Oohvie’s Ovulation Calendar and Fertility Tracker to Find the Best Time to Get Pregnant

Oohvie’s AI-based ovulation calendar tells you when you’re most fertile, when to plan and pace intercourse, and allows you to reach your family planning goals faster.
Oohvie app ovulation home screen
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Get Support from Other Expecting Mothers

From Oohvie’s ovulation calendar to your pregnancy to tips on parenting, join your fellow Oohvie users in the Community Forum and Private Chat for advice from other women on what to expect in the coming months and beyond.


Oohvie period tracker app uses HealthLynked’s HIPAA-compliant platform to communicate medical information between patients and doctors, then stores this data on a secure Amazon S3 Cloud Storage system. Your healthcare information is always safe, even if your computer or mobile device isn’t. Your profile information and medical records are stored separately, eliminating the possibility of data breaches and ensuring we can never sell your info to third parties.

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